- an esoteric sentiment
I wanted to do an experiment on a topic that is relevant. Relevant in the way it affects human behaviour and similarly, finding a parallel analogy. I chose a topic that relates to trees as I see beauty in these primitive elemental forms. Their constant presence is indicative of their unacknowledged relevance to our existence in more ways than one or in the traditional sense that we need them for our basic survival.
This exploration is presented in an interactive document. There is progression of thought when one reads through the content. I have also presented these primitive forms in scenarios that are in context with the ideas presented. These structural forms are made using a simple formula. There is intent in the variables used. I was able to arrive at a result that will best portray my ideas. Much time was spent in rendering these forms. This particular aspect is very important as getting the right effect would enhance the experience of this exploration and thought process.
The images as you see in the progression are displayed so as to maximise their impact. The presentation as you can see is more philosophical in nature and as you go through each progression, the images are presented in a way to captivate readers and evoke feelings towards the direction of the ultimate concept. Also, note that this presentation is best viewed with contemplation and an open mind. Take time to appreciate the beauty of its form and structure.
For me, the goal of this whole exercise is to present an idea or a concept, something that is intangible and abstract and turn it into something more physical and concrete, using 3D modelling as a tool.
Here are the 6 scenes from the presentation:-
These beautiful forms can be created using a simple formula:
This formula represents random points that occur within a specified domain (x,y,z).
These points are then used as reference to create the curvature and the arcs. These can then be controlled by sine and cosine definitions with sliding variables. The diameter of the branches is also a variable that can be controlled.
Much time was spent in rendering to get the right effect. Here are some formula samples:
As part of this experiment, I also played with different structures and systems. I looked at using weaving formulas but in the process I find that this particular system will not suit this purpose. Randomisation is a large part of this experiment and I also played around with formulas that control curvature, here are some samples: